Saturday, August 30, 2008

So Sick!

We have been fighting our first ear infection. Katie had a bad cold about 2 weeks ago. We did not think anything about it. She got over that but starting one week ago she would not take her bottle, and did not want to eat. She was not sleeping well but we just thought it was teething. Wednesday night I went to check on her in her bed and she was burning up! Of course it scared me to death. I took her temp. under her arm and it was 102. I was talking to two family members and they said take it in her bottom because it would be more accurate. It read 102.5. I called the nurse on call and they said give motrin and call the doctor in the am. Well of course i did not sleep but Katie did well. She was never crying or anything. The next day we took her into the doctor and of course it was a bad ear infection. She has been so pitiful. Today she is a bit back to herself and is finally fever free. Katie has been sleeping in her pack n play by our bed but tonight is her first night to sleep in her crib. Hopefully she will do well. Everyone have a great night!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Princess

The last couple of weeks are a blur. My life right now is get up, go to work, pick katie up, come home, dinner, bath, put katie to bed, pack and bag for her, bed. I hope things get better. I LOVE the weekend now. It is my most cherished time with my family. I feel like during the week I am just going through the motions. Anyway, Katie is a big girl. She has been a princess this week as you can see in the hat. She is also feeding herself...LOL well trying. Tonight she ate baby food green beans and then we gave her some black eyed peas and sweet potato. She loved it. I just put it on her tray and she went to town. Needless to say she had to have a bath. She has been running fever last night and today and I hope it is just teething. For those of you who dont' know we put a for sale sign in our yard. We will see what happens. We are not in any hurry so it really does not matter. Whatever God has planned for us we will do. Have a great Labor Day!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sleepy Baby!

Well today was a rough day. For some reason I was very emotional. I woke up late and had to take Katie this morning.(usually shannon drops her off) Anyway, I just cried when I was hugging her bye. I felt so guilty for having to leave her. I cried all the way to work. Usually it is Hayden but today she said,"Why you crying?" I picked Katie up and Kayla said she had only taken an hour nap. Tonight when I was feeding her carrots she finally passed out. Here is a video. So sad but so funny!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Wow the last two weeks have flown by and it has been a blur. I started back to work last Monday and the kids came on Thursday. By Friday Katie did not want me to leave. She fussed as I went out the door and I cried all the way to work. Hayden did not want to go to school so I told her we could just both cry that day. It is very hard leaving Katie. This past week she was teething, had bad diapers, very fussy, and then got sick Thursday night with a bad cold. I went to work Friday with having only one hour of sleep. Last night she was better but I was still up and down with her all night. Shannon got up with her this morning and let me sleep until 9:45. It was Heaven on Earth. Some people can't stay at home all of the time, but I really think God wanted me to be a stay at home mom. I have had a taste of both sides and I choose to stay at home. Well, Shannon told me I could do that if we sold the house and moved into a trailor, so it looks like it is back to work for me on Monday.

Katie is still not crawling, but she acts like she wants too. She sits up and reaches, get on her belly, then rolls over on her back and lays there like a turtle. She has a walker and she only knows how to go in reverse. It is so funny! She did have a little accident this week. She fell off the couch. Everyone has told me they have to fall of the bed or couch at least once. She was not hurt at all and did not even really cry. Shannon said this morning she was on the couch with him, dropped and toy, leaned over slowly to see where it was. She slowly got on her tummy and was half way down the couch when Shannon finally picked her up. At least she is slow about falling! I guess that is why she did not get hurt the other day. No more couch for Katie! Mom swears she said Bye Bye the other day but I have yet to hear it. All I hear these days is DaDada. She has become quite the little daddy's girl. (Mommy is still her favorite!..LOL) Here are some random pictures we have taken over the past couple of weeks. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I don't have any pictures for today. I am sitting at my table and it is very quiet in my house. I am about to get ready to go to work and I realize how blessed I am. There are so many people I know right now sick, or have family members passing away, friends who want a baby and can't get pregnant, friends who weren't so sure they were ready for a baby and are pregnant, financial hardships....just so many things going on. I look at my peaceful sleeping baby and husband and realize I have everything I need. God is so good and even though we dont' understand at times He is ALWAYS there for us. He has blessed me with more than I could ever ask for. It makes me angry when I start feeling down on myself for something and then realize...I don't have any real problems. I just wanted everyone to know how much I love the Lord and what He has given me. Have a Wonderful Day!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Chunky Monkey~!

Hey everyone,

Sorry it has been awhile. We have been so busy trying to get ready for school. Only two more days and then I am back at work. I am very sad! Katie is just growing and is so much fun these days. I think we might have hit the terrible twos at 7 months. She screams and throws fits if you take something away from her. She is really fighting her sleep. I hope this is just a phase. Katie has been working out in her jumperoo. She told me she needed some leg warmers! You can see the black adn white stripes on her feet in the picture. She is becoming a dadddys girl. She loves him and gets so excited when she sees him. HEre are a few pictures and video. ENJOY!