Thursday, October 23, 2008


Katie has been throwing fits lately. Is it too early to hit the terrible two's at 9 months? I think we might be there. The fit today was so funny to me so I had to film it. Of course she was not a happy camper. Tonight Katie got to go to her first fall festival. She was Katie Bug the Lady Bug. I hope I get better pictures on Halloween but at least you can see her costume. (I took some as we were getting ready.) Enjoy!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


After many attempts Katie can finally crawl. She is like a turtle but that is ok. We are so happy. In one week she started dancing, holding her bottle, clapping, waving bye bye, and finally crawling. Here is a short video to prove it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

9 Month Check-UP

Wow...9 months! We went to the doctor today to have her check up. Katie weighs 21lbs and 14 oz. She is 28 1/2 inches long. She is perfect. She had her iron checked and it was great. Some babies have to take drops to make their iron go up, but she was good. She got a flu shot and then two other shots. She only cried for a minute and as soon as I picked her up she was fine. Dr. Hardy told me she could eat whatever even scrambled eggs. She is sooooo tired of eating oatmeal in the mornings. She will still eat her veggies but now we can try all kinds of new foods. We also get to put her into a big girl car seat. Luckily my friend Elissa had one for me to use.
I have decided now that Katie will be a LadyBug fo Halloween. I have her costume and it is so cute. Pictures will be coming soon.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

This weekend was great! Adam, Regan, and Jason came home for a visit. Adam's birthday is in November but he won't be here to celebrate. I decided to have a surprise party for him. We went to the pumpkin patch and then came back to the house to have a party. He was so excited! I haven't seen him since July and he has grown so much since then. Katie absolutely loves him. She would just stare at him and then reach for him. It was bitter sweet though. I did not get enough of him. He is leaving in the morning but hopefully get to come down on his Christmas break. Katie had a blast at the pumpkin patch and the party. She did not take a nap that day until about 2. There was way too much to look at. I am afraid she is getting sick. She is acting "off" today. We went to moms to have Thanksgiving also today since Adam, Regan, and Jason wont' be here. We were able to get a family shot with everyone! Katie was 9 months old Friday. We will go Tuesday for a check up. I am afraid of what she will weigh!!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

First Football Game

This weekend we went to Memphis to see my nephew Andrew play football. For those of you who don't know he plays for Washington University in St. Louis. (V.P. debates were held at his school.) Anyway we left Friday afternoon and got to Memphis around 7. Katie had many firsts this weekend. As soon as we got to the hotel my brother took her to the hotel bar while I got ready for dinner. We went to downtown Memphis and ate at Rendevouz if anyone knows about that place. Famous for their ribs. We went back to the hotel and got to visit with Andrew. At midnight Katie finally crashed. That was her first time to stay up that late and sleep in a hotel. The next morning we went to breakfast in the hotel and Katie made friends with everyone there. She was smiling and waving at everyone! It was also her first time to eat biscuit and gravy. She is definately my child because she LOVED it. Later that morning we took off to Rhodes College to tailgate before the game. (Another first for Katie) I was a little worried but it was great. We spread out a blanket in the shade and she played and again made friends with everyone. We went to the game and for the first quarter she payed attention to the game. She was having a blast. Now remember she did not go to bed until midnight and at this point had not had a nap and it was 3. At halftime we decided to leave. Katie slept 4 out of the 4 1/2 hours home. It was fun to see everyone. Here are some pictures. The stone buildings are buildings at the campus of Rhodes College. It was absolutely breathtaking. Back to work tomorrow! Yuck. Oh also Adam is coming home this weekend. I can't wait to see him. We are going to the pumpkin patch and having an early birthday party for him since he won't be here for his birthday.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Long TIme Coming

Sorry it has been so long. Working is making my life crazy. Katie is doing great. She is not crawling but she gets where she wants to be in her own way. She loves to stand and hold on to things. She also loves to throw. I am already thinking she will be a softball pitcher. Here are a few pictures and video from the past couple of weeks. I will publish more pictures after this weekend. We will be heading to Memphis to see my nephew play football for Washinton University in St. Louis. I asked him if he was going to the VP debate tongiht but he said they only gave 50 student tickets by lottery. Oh well maybe next time. Enjoy!