Monday, November 24, 2008

Cute Videos

My baby loves Christmas lights. She loves music and she also loves to dance. Here are some cute videos.

Updates -- 10 1/2 months

Here are some recent pictures. Katie and Cole played together while the moms went shopping. Shannon had his birthday on November 11th. We celebrated at the mexican restaurant. As you can see Katie did not like the hat at all! Also Shannon redid our garage. He sheetrocked and redid the floor! Katie has been having bathroom problems. It has been going on for about 2 1/2 weeks. We have tried everything ...even a trip to the doctor. I have never been so happy today when Kayla told me she pooped 4 times. Miralax is a miracle! Wow never thought I would be so excited about poop! Katie finally has a new tooth, but I can't get a picture of it. She puts her tongue down so you can't see it. I found it because she bit me. It felt like a puppy tooth. She wants to walk so bad. She is very busy!

Bumper Cars

Katie loves her walker. At first she just went in reverse but now she tries to go as fast as she can and run into things. I am now scared for the day she turnes 16!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I know it has been awhile for pictures and I promise I will post some soon. A few things that have been going on though. Katie got her pictures taken with Santa today. I was afraid she would be scared and cry...instead she LOVED him. I can't wait to get the pictures back. She has had a hard time pooping. Never thought that would be a topic of conversation, but it seems that is all we are talking about these days. I have never been so excited to change a poopie diaper. Life really does change when you have kids. She is trying to talk now. I promise she says.."I love you" . It is in her language but it is clear enough to hear. The doctor is my witness because she told her the other day when we were there. She still does not have a tooth in her mouth but that does not stop her from eating whatever she wants. I am so excited about Christmas. I can't wait to decorate the house and start shopping! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. I know we will. We have been so blessed this past year!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well we celebrated Katies first Halloween. It really started a week and a half ago. We started at our fall festival at school..then trunk or treat at church, and then finally tonight we had another fall festival at a friends house. We did not go trick-or-treating this year because it was too cold. Instead we went to Target and out to eat. It was nice because no one was out. Tonight Shannon and I dressed up at the last minute for this party. We were Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Cat in the Hat. Katie of course was still a Lady Bug. She was not a happy camper all night as you can tell from some of the pictures. She has not been herself lately. She is either getting sick or finally getting a tooth. I am not sure which one. She is also crawling everywhere now. She loves the hardwood floor...she likes so spin around on her bottom. She and daddy have a new game. CHASE! This is funny now but I know it will come back to bite him later. Oh well I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it. We are eating crow these days. We always said we would never let our child sleep in the bed with us. I never thought I could, but we have been letting her sleep with us. She sleeps better in our bed and we sleep better. I know we have to get her used to her crib, but she just does not like it. She loves our bed and I love my sleep. This time is so much fun with her. I am so excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas. I just thank God everyday for my little blessing from above.