Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February 20th

Today Katie and I left the house around 9:45. She feel asleep as soon as we got on the road. I went for my six week check up. My doctor said she might have felt another fybroid tumor. I have to go for an utlrasound soon. Let's all pray that it is not one. After we left the doctor we met my mom for lunch. Katie was still asleep even after eating her bottle. We went to the Summit and then home. Katie did not wake up until 5:45 this evening. I think I am going to be in for a long night. Maybe I can catch up on some movies. Oh well we will see how things go. Oh also this morning Katie found her thumb. She was sucking on it so hard. I think she was wanting her bottle. LOL

1 comment:

Dollar General said...

Anna is my thumb sucker - it's pretty sweet and she ALWAYS has it with her. No - up in the middle of the night trying to find that dern passie! HA! But now she is four and loves it just the same! It's a hard habit to break but fine by me!!

By the way, ARE YOU KIDDING ME - it's already been six weeks! YIKES - time has flown!!

Praying about the ultrasound too!