Tuesday, October 14, 2008

9 Month Check-UP

Wow...9 months! We went to the doctor today to have her check up. Katie weighs 21lbs and 14 oz. She is 28 1/2 inches long. She is perfect. She had her iron checked and it was great. Some babies have to take drops to make their iron go up, but she was good. She got a flu shot and then two other shots. She only cried for a minute and as soon as I picked her up she was fine. Dr. Hardy told me she could eat whatever even scrambled eggs. She is sooooo tired of eating oatmeal in the mornings. She will still eat her veggies but now we can try all kinds of new foods. We also get to put her into a big girl car seat. Luckily my friend Elissa had one for me to use.
I have decided now that Katie will be a LadyBug fo Halloween. I have her costume and it is so cute. Pictures will be coming soon.

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